all postcodes in PO17 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO17 6JQ 6 0 50.892235 -1.16197
PO17 6JR 1 1 50.905932 -1.163431
PO17 6JS 80 0 50.887082 -1.146936
PO17 6JT 2 0 50.89882 -1.150803
PO17 6JU 11 0 50.892226 -1.150625
PO17 6JW 10 0 50.889364 -1.146852
PO17 6JY 1 0 50.920603 -1.154091
PO17 6JZ 7 0 50.91946 -1.153927
PO17 6LA 20 1 50.921812 -1.148407
PO17 6LB 12 0 50.920644 -1.143691
PO17 6LD 13 0 50.919525 -1.140624
PO17 6LE 43 1 50.91526 -1.133021
PO17 6LF 14 2 50.915127 -1.13089
PO17 6LG 10 2 50.91233 -1.134413
PO17 6LH 2 0 50.907884 -1.139658
PO17 6LJ 5 2 50.910498 -1.131104
PO17 6LL 13 1 50.906803 -1.128812
PO17 6LQ 6 0 50.910359 -1.139086
PO17 6LT 2 0 50.867043 -1.180427
PO17 6LU 3 0 50.866222 -1.172412