all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 7EX 4 0 50.837273 -0.759174
PO19 7EY 26 0 50.836952 -0.757805
PO19 7EZ 48 0 50.835899 -0.758515
PO19 7FA 38 0 50.836516 -0.759918
PO19 7FB 2 2 50.833833 -0.774114
PO19 7FL 7 0 50.834161 -0.764321
PO19 7FS 5 1 50.835518 -0.76501
PO19 7GD 4 4 50.838152 -0.770868
PO19 7GE 1 1 50.839984 -0.766374
PO19 7GJ 6 0 50.837548 -0.761382
PO19 7GT 16 0 50.836563 -0.772031
PO19 7HA 1 1 50.839371 -0.763748
PO19 7HB 37 0 50.840612 -0.762892
PO19 7HD 26 0 50.835726 -0.757497
PO19 7HE 30 0 50.836337 -0.757466
PO19 7HF 60 0 50.836638 -0.758736
PO19 7HG 40 0 50.83638 -0.755619
PO19 7HH 2 2 50.842318 -0.760043
PO19 7HJ 8 0 50.837726 -0.769686
PO19 7HL 36 0 50.838998 -0.755691