all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 9TA 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TB 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TD 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TE 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TF 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TG 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TH 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TJ 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TL 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9TN 1 1 50.834923 -0.776803
PO19 9AD 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9AF 1 0 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9DZ 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9EG 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9FA 0 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9FL 1 50.830761 -0.781323
PO19 9GD 1 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9HJ 1 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9HQ 1 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 9HT 1 0 50.830761 -0.781323