all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 1NU 0 50.838198 -0.77784
PO19 1NW 0 50.837548 -0.777643
PO19 1NX 1 50.837956 -0.775384
PO19 1NY 0 50.837897 -0.776598
PO19 1NZ 0 50.837701 -0.775935
PO19 1PB 0 50.837609 -0.775696
PO19 1PD 1 50.83757 -0.775437
PO19 1PH 10 50.836975 -0.77611
PO19 1PL 6 50.836935 -0.775728
PO19 1PN 1 50.837178 -0.775722
PO19 1PP 1 50.836579 -0.776078
PO19 1PR 0 50.837645 -0.774872
PO19 1PT 0 50.835574 -0.779768
PO19 1PU 1 50.834925 -0.780462
PO19 1PX 1 50.835264 -0.781097
PO19 1PY 0 50.836156 -0.782082
PO19 1PZ 0 50.834907 -0.780496
PO19 1QA 0 50.83581 -0.780879
PO19 1QB 0 50.835801 -0.779985
PO19 1QD 4 50.83665 -0.7794