all postcodes in PO2 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO2 8BJ 0 50.818171 -1.081884
PO2 8BL 0 50.819817 -1.081908
PO2 8BN 0 50.818232 -1.081599
PO2 8BP 0 50.816473 -1.082315
PO2 8BS 0 50.817584 -1.082705
PO2 8BT 0 50.818508 -1.082417
PO2 8BU 1 50.813658 -1.082256
PO2 8BW 0 50.819218 -1.082318
PO2 8BX 0 50.813756 -1.080821
PO2 8BY 1 50.814921 -1.099833
PO2 8DB 0 50.799149 -1.088401
PO2 8DF 0 50.815381 -1.085204
PO2 8DG 2 50.815832 -1.085152
PO2 8DH 1 50.813376 -1.085044
PO2 8DJ 0 50.81547 -1.084847
PO2 8DL 0 50.816395 -1.084744
PO2 8DQ 0 50.81647 -1.085111
PO2 8DR 3 50.813659 -1.089013
PO2 8DX 1 50.814921 -1.099833
PO2 8EA 1 50.815845 -1.099574