all postcodes in PO20 / CHICHESTER

find any address or company within the PO20 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO20 2DA 1 0 50.831475 -0.705637
PO20 2DB 3 0 50.823592 -0.702689
PO20 2DD 19 5 50.836728 -0.722861
PO20 2DE 6 0 50.837647 -0.722225
PO20 2DG 17 1 50.838421 -0.721437
PO20 2DH 2 0 50.836886 -0.720024
PO20 2DJ 5 0 50.837005 -0.720226
PO20 2DL 41 0 50.837435 -0.719277
PO20 2DN 26 0 50.836121 -0.718361
PO20 2DP 5 0 50.827997 -0.71475
PO20 2DQ 8 1 50.836156 -0.719922
PO20 2DR 2 0 50.821079 -0.71377
PO20 2DS 11 0 50.819459 -0.712003
PO20 2DT 3 0 50.81888 -0.704367
PO20 2DU 7 1 50.817234 -0.702723
PO20 2DW 3 0 50.83609 -0.717149
PO20 2DX 5 0 50.819049 -0.718871
PO20 2EN 21 0 50.827956 -0.735751
PO20 2ER 9 0 50.846794 -0.715711
PO20 2ES 1 1 50.846954 -0.714811