all postcodes in PO21 / BOGNOR REGIS

find any address or company within the PO21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO21 1LR 0 50.783925 -0.67011
PO21 1LS 0 50.789924 -0.668564
PO21 1LT 1 50.783074 -0.672822
PO21 1LU 0 50.784138 -0.669083
PO21 1LW 4 50.783074 -0.672822
PO21 1LX 0 50.782847 -0.669431
PO21 1LY 1 50.782887 -0.672998
PO21 1LZ 3 50.782656 -0.674756
PO21 1NA 2 50.782248 -0.67447
PO21 1NB 1 50.782317 -0.675021
PO21 1ND 0 50.782214 -0.675436
PO21 1NE 1 50.782009 -0.674789
PO21 1NH 0 50.783473 -0.669116
PO21 1NJ 1 50.783567 -0.668688
PO21 1NL 0 50.784419 -0.669273
PO21 1NN 0 50.783968 -0.668364
PO21 1NP 0 50.783675 -0.667862
PO21 1NR 0 50.783392 -0.669076
PO21 1NS 0 50.783997 -0.666973
PO21 1NT 1 50.784729 -0.667222