all postcodes in PO21 / BOGNOR REGIS

find any address or company within the PO21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO21 5TP 18 0 50.7941 -0.699973
PO21 5TR 11 0 50.794544 -0.699435
PO21 5TS 19 4 50.796845 -0.69774
PO21 5TT 5 0 50.797673 -0.696142
PO21 5TU 14 1 50.798055 -0.696571
PO21 5TW 26 0 50.79379 -0.698747
PO21 5TX 18 1 50.799516 -0.69531
PO21 5TY 21 0 50.799023 -0.693848
PO21 5TZ 7 0 50.799391 -0.694618
PO21 5UA 8 0 50.799816 -0.694024
PO21 5UB 10 0 50.798885 -0.696803
PO21 5UD 32 0 50.799618 -0.69315
PO21 5UJ 23 0 50.800376 -0.695059
PO21 5UL 5 0 50.798819 -0.697358
PO21 5WB 1 1 50.783947 -0.671216
PO21 5XA 16 0 50.792034 -0.695319
PO21 5EZ 2 2 50.793499 -0.693697
PO21 5AD 59 0 50.805328 -0.697149
PO21 5AP 10 0 50.804789 -0.696355
PO21 5AY 15 0 50.805926 -0.697544