all postcodes in PO22 / BOGNOR REGIS

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO22 6BA 4 0 50.796025 -0.6354
PO22 6BB 11 0 50.800493 -0.634489
PO22 6BH 4 0 50.79482 -0.630135
PO22 6BJ 1 0 50.793948 -0.636993
PO22 6BL 14 0 50.794498 -0.6356
PO22 6BN 29 3 50.794972 -0.635331
PO22 6BP 7 0 50.794198 -0.631424
PO22 6BS 1 0 50.794429 -0.631999
PO22 6BT 16 0 50.794057 -0.634805
PO22 6BU 30 0 50.795161 -0.631495
PO22 6BW 12 1 50.794881 -0.632184
PO22 6BX 13 0 50.796014 -0.632165
PO22 6DA 14 0 50.794489 -0.6242
PO22 6DB 28 10 50.794223 -0.622924
PO22 6DE 1 1 50.794782 -0.621517
PO22 6DF 17 5 50.794825 -0.621317
PO22 6DH 1 1 50.794855 -0.629205
PO22 6DJ 7 0 50.794717 -0.622058
PO22 6DL 16 0 50.793986 -0.627187
PO22 6DN 23 0 50.794879 -0.627431