all postcodes in PO22 / BOGNOR REGIS

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO22 9NH 6 50.8002 -0.664448
PO22 9NJ 1 50.800961 -0.666419
PO22 9NN 0 50.80454 -0.661741
PO22 9NP 0 50.80932 -0.66846
PO22 9NQ 1 50.801383 -0.664832
PO22 9NR 0 50.81143 -0.672012
PO22 9NS 1 50.812381 -0.673419
PO22 9NT 0 50.794465 -0.6693
PO22 9NU 0 50.811306 -0.676174
PO22 9NW 0 50.809361 -0.669615
PO22 9NX 1 50.811489 -0.670116
PO22 9NY 0 50.812037 -0.670888
PO22 9NZ 0 50.81282 -0.670936
PO22 9PA 2 50.81363 -0.670147
PO22 9PB 0 50.813763 -0.672343
PO22 9PD 0 50.813183 -0.658627
PO22 9PE 1 50.815044 -0.660922
PO22 9PF 1 50.819438 -0.667718
PO22 9PG 1 50.81793 -0.669564
PO22 9PH 1 50.820499 -0.668454