all postcodes in PO22 / BOGNOR REGIS

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO22 7AF 1 50.786516 -0.654446
PO22 7AG 0 50.786014 -0.654644
PO22 7AH 1 50.785629 -0.655613
PO22 7AJ 0 50.785538 -0.656275
PO22 7AL 0 50.785345 -0.655912
PO22 7AN 0 50.784956 -0.656597
PO22 7AP 1 50.785169 -0.657868
PO22 7AQ 0 50.786005 -0.656163
PO22 7AR 0 50.786608 -0.656188
PO22 7AS 5 50.78705 -0.656317
PO22 7AU 0 50.786903 -0.654598
PO22 7AW 0 50.784891 -0.657032
PO22 7AX 0 50.786893 -0.655187
PO22 7AY 0 50.786671 -0.655477
PO22 7AZ 6 50.787295 -0.655849
PO22 7BD 0 50.787296 -0.658183
PO22 7BE 1 50.787356 -0.657266
PO22 7BH 0 50.787756 -0.658283
PO22 7BJ 0 50.787338 -0.654777
PO22 7BL 0 50.788419 -0.657392