all postcodes in PO30 / EAST COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO30 1YR 1 50.684966 -1.299355
PO30 1YS 8 50.687177 -1.307967
PO30 1AE 0 50.693863 -1.296528
PO30 1AF 0 50.694304 -1.296634
PO30 1AH 15 0 50.694662 -1.296303
PO30 1AN 10 0 50.694512 -1.296787
PO30 1PW 9 0 50.698118 -1.298262
PO30 1JF 6 6 50.69855 -1.293966
PO30 1AG 0 50.700025 -1.291371
PO30 1AP 0 50.699828 -1.291388
PO30 1NQ 11 0 50.691241 -1.31541
PO30 1AQ 4 0 50.69649 -1.299745
PO30 1HR 1 1 50.690825 -1.288036
PO30 1AW 0 50.690506 -1.293482
PO30 1AJ 6 0 50.699229 -1.296551