all postcodes in PO30 / EAST COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO30 5BA 26 10 50.701114 -1.292539
PO30 5BB 1 1 50.701207 -1.291646
PO30 5BD 1 1 50.701833 -1.292458
PO30 5BE 10 0 50.706612 -1.299141
PO30 5BF 6 5 50.713634 -1.29592
PO30 5BG 1 1 50.700887 -1.292217
PO30 5BH 12 0 50.698614 -1.304471
PO30 5BL 1 0 50.701031 -1.290841
PO30 5BN 1 1 50.701802 -1.293308
PO30 5BQ 1 1 50.700917 -1.292811
PO30 5BS 12 5 50.703542 -1.291474
PO30 5BU 2 1 50.701945 -1.293537
PO30 5BW 12 0 50.701759 -1.292162
PO30 5BX 11 0 50.70171 -1.294485
PO30 5BZ 8 6 50.70222 -1.295496
PO30 5DA 21 3 50.70153 -1.296017
PO30 5DB 30 4 50.701101 -1.297864
PO30 5DD 27 0 50.700235 -1.298981
PO30 5DF 17 0 50.701134 -1.299199
PO30 5DJ 1 0 50.701103 -1.302692