all postcodes in PO31 / COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO31 7PX 35 0 50.75195 -1.29742
PO31 7PY 27 0 50.752397 -1.29686
PO31 7PZ 17 0 50.752607 -1.297452
PO31 7QA 50 1 50.753341 -1.296917
PO31 7QB 40 0 50.751543 -1.296571
PO31 7QD 19 0 50.765827 -1.300271
PO31 7QH 3 2 50.764603 -1.298616
PO31 7QJ 37 6 50.765181 -1.299004
PO31 7QL 9 0 50.757937 -1.298063
PO31 7QP 8 0 50.764681 -1.299465
PO31 7QQ 8 0 50.764314 -1.300113
PO31 7QR 4 1 50.765007 -1.2999
PO31 7QS 60 3 50.765566 -1.30009
PO31 7QT 1 1 50.766562 -1.301224
PO31 7QU 12 1 50.766017 -1.301913
PO31 7QX 5 0 50.76416 -1.299572
PO31 7QY 15 0 50.763654 -1.299613
PO31 7QZ 32 1 50.76469 -1.301025
PO31 7RA 1 1 50.757762 -1.294465
PO31 7RB 5 0 50.760329 -1.304454