all postcodes in PO31 / COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO31 7BS 69 0 50.758531 -1.295521
PO31 7BT 1 1 50.759353 -1.295859
PO31 7BU 8 2 50.759538 -1.295133
PO31 7BX 9 5 50.758143 -1.292422
PO31 7DA 3 3 50.758783 -1.29417
PO31 7DD 4 0 50.758369 -1.294006
PO31 7DF 22 1 50.75831 -1.294744
PO31 7DH 11 0 50.757879 -1.294864
PO31 7DJ 34 0 50.756944 -1.29452
PO31 7DN 43 0 50.755947 -1.295049
PO31 7DP 6 0 50.755473 -1.295553
PO31 7DR 40 0 50.756765 -1.295065
PO31 7DS 29 0 50.757354 -1.295666
PO31 7DT 1 1 50.757753 -1.29601
PO31 7DW 19 0 50.755033 -1.295559
PO31 7DX 29 1 50.759323 -1.295349
PO31 7DY 6 0 50.759075 -1.300744
PO31 7DZ 7 0 50.758828 -1.301211
PO31 7EA 35 5 50.75923 -1.296399
PO31 7EB 5 0 50.75911 -1.297223