all postcodes in PO33 / RYDE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO33 4BT 2 0 50.699954 -1.177766
PO33 4BU 11 0 50.699204 -1.183383
PO33 4BX 2 0 50.710332 -1.179171
PO33 4BY 10 0 50.711296 -1.181558
PO33 4BZ 5 0 50.710413 -1.186474
PO33 4DA 3 0 50.711996 -1.187764
PO33 4DB 1 0 50.697002 -1.209559
PO33 4DD 9 0 50.70851 -1.20523
PO33 4DE 5 0 50.693025 -1.202632
PO33 4DF 3 0 50.689057 -1.208942
PO33 4DG 19 0 50.709638 -1.204531
PO33 4DH 14 0 50.711771 -1.203833
PO33 4DJ 19 0 50.711289 -1.205626
PO33 4DL 17 0 50.710527 -1.207353
PO33 4DN 16 0 50.709159 -1.207064
PO33 4DP 11 1 50.709725 -1.208414
PO33 4DQ 11 0 50.711049 -1.204323
PO33 4DR 34 2 50.707953 -1.210578
PO33 4DS 4 1 50.705047 -1.214437
PO33 4DT 10 3 50.703119 -1.219213