all postcodes in PO34 / SEAVIEW

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO34 5HN 4 0 50.717576 -1.112141
PO34 5HP 6 0 50.716622 -1.109508
PO34 5HR 4 0 50.716029 -1.10949
PO34 5HS 2 0 50.716013 -1.108941
PO34 5HT 2 0 50.715853 -1.109185
PO34 5HU 5 0 50.716122 -1.109956
PO34 5HW 21 0 50.717254 -1.110912
PO34 5HX 16 0 50.715076 -1.112245
PO34 5HY 24 0 50.716082 -1.113175
PO34 5HZ 6 0 50.715694 -1.111837
PO34 5JA 6 0 50.711506 -1.116973
PO34 5JB 9 0 50.711709 -1.11643
PO34 5JD 15 0 50.711047 -1.115706
PO34 5JE 12 0 50.71247 -1.115963
PO34 5JF 19 0 50.711553 -1.114932
PO34 5JG 16 0 50.712254 -1.113658
PO34 5JH 18 0 50.713289 -1.113724
PO34 5JJ 14 0 50.713841 -1.112991
PO34 5JL 4 0 50.713322 -1.110961
PO34 5JN 24 0 50.713506 -1.115093