all postcodes in PO35 / BEMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO35 5PE 2 0 50.682698 -1.089585
PO35 5PF 6 0 50.682779 -1.090416
PO35 5PG 8 0 50.677407 -1.093535
PO35 5PH 1 1 50.676699 -1.092727
PO35 5PJ 30 1 50.67648 -1.096907
PO35 5PL 1 1 50.674403 -1.09573
PO35 5PN 7 0 50.674835 -1.101594
PO35 5PQ 3 0 50.676677 -1.09444
PO35 5PR 1 1 50.678507 -1.103209
PO35 5PS 8 1 50.671923 -1.104254
PO35 5PU 1 0 50.683784 -1.076511
PO35 5PW 9 2 50.675652 -1.109703
PO35 5PX 1 0 50.682685 -1.089965
PO35 5QA 7 0 50.6686 -1.09894
PO35 5QB 2 1 50.671194 -1.098695
PO35 5QD 15 0 50.681161 -1.085142
PO35 5QH 11 0 50.686634 -1.075522
PO35 5QJ 14 0 50.682437 -1.0839
PO35 5QL 13 0 50.682915 -1.082885
PO35 5QN 25 0 50.6815 -1.083321