all postcodes in PO36 / SHANKLIN

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO36 9DE 21 0 50.655432 -1.161752
PO36 9DF 6 0 50.65372 -1.162047
PO36 9DG 1 0 50.652504 -1.160612
PO36 9DH 1 1 50.653705 -1.161241
PO36 9DJ 1 1 50.653117 -1.163274
PO36 9DL 5 0 50.652103 -1.163618
PO36 9DN 11 0 50.659257 -1.162165
PO36 9DP 5 0 50.654374 -1.160479
PO36 9DQ 36 2 50.653744 -1.160378
PO36 9DR 16 1 50.661417 -1.161164
PO36 9DS 16 0 50.662266 -1.161616
PO36 9DT 45 0 50.662436 -1.16024
PO36 9DU 7 0 50.66191 -1.158382
PO36 9DW 46 0 50.659639 -1.162681
PO36 9DX 24 0 50.662527 -1.1554
PO36 9DY 39 0 50.662395 -1.157001
PO36 9DZ 23 0 50.661784 -1.157097
PO36 9EB 26 0 50.650789 -1.160939
PO36 9ED 15 0 50.65081 -1.163811
PO36 9EE 19 2 50.650946 -1.16691