all postcodes in PO36 / SHANKLIN

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO36 8PJ 8 0 50.646171 -1.165679
PO36 8PL 16 3 50.645378 -1.166325
PO36 8PN 9 0 50.646614 -1.164366
PO36 8PP 20 0 50.648193 -1.165473
PO36 8PQ 30 0 50.645878 -1.167438
PO36 8PR 23 0 50.64799 -1.164798
PO36 8PS 20 0 50.646627 -1.165303
PO36 8PW 11 0 50.647215 -1.165788
PO36 8QA 3 3 50.659215 -1.142754
PO36 8QB 7 2 50.662358 -1.135991
PO36 8QD 6 0 50.663398 -1.135533
PO36 8QE 17 0 50.663803 -1.136898
PO36 8QF 36 0 50.662628 -1.137217
PO36 8QG 19 0 50.664244 -1.13573
PO36 8QH 8 0 50.664275 -1.138287
PO36 8QJ 36 0 50.66537 -1.1396
PO36 8QL 42 0 50.665911 -1.138487
PO36 8QN 15 0 50.665494 -1.132831
PO36 8QP 16 1 50.664589 -1.132427
PO36 8QQ 6 0 50.664235 -1.136848