all postcodes in PO36 / SHANKLIN

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO36 0EF 0 50.673529 -1.160506
PO36 0AE 8 0 50.679192 -1.138272
PO36 0BG 6 0 50.681473 -1.142374
PO36 0PF 2 0 50.664719 -1.20753
PO36 6AU 1 50.653495 -1.157072
PO36 6BL 1 1 50.653495 -1.157072
PO36 6DF 1 1 50.653495 -1.157072
PO36 6DJ 1 1 50.653495 -1.157072
PO36 6DL 1 0 50.653483 -1.157062
PO36 6DN 1 0 50.653483 -1.157062
PO36 6DP 0 50.653483 -1.157062
PO36 6DR 1 1 50.653483 -1.157062
PO36 8AD 17 11 50.654967 -1.152901
PO36 8AB 1 1 50.654563 -1.15312
PO36 8AE 14 4 50.655234 -1.151368
PO36 8AF 27 7 50.655822 -1.150937
PO36 8AH 1 1 50.655632 -1.150427
PO36 8AJ 2 2 50.655564 -1.151351
PO36 8AL 54 3 50.65694 -1.152642
PO36 8AN 22 7 50.655306 -1.152527