all postcodes in PO38 / VENTNOR

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO38 2BJ 0 50.584979 -1.284086
PO38 2BL 0 50.585488 -1.284969
PO38 2BN 1 50.587616 -1.287022
PO38 2BP 2 50.586728 -1.284338
PO38 2BQ 0 50.58485 -1.284621
PO38 2BS 0 50.588164 -1.286831
PO38 2BT 0 50.588878 -1.287385
PO38 2BU 0 50.59023 -1.289385
PO38 2BW 0 50.587276 -1.289165
PO38 2BX 2 50.588417 -1.285555
PO38 2DA 0 50.588522 -1.285187
PO38 2DB 1 50.589024 -1.284783
PO38 2DD 0 50.58912 -1.284415
PO38 2DE 0 50.590023 -1.285366
PO38 2DF 0 50.589823 -1.284602
PO38 2DG 0 50.590351 -1.284255
PO38 2DH 0 50.59128 -1.283195
PO38 2DJ 0 50.591702 -1.283005
PO38 2DL 0 50.588628 -1.281893
PO38 2DN 0 50.58979 -1.28213