all postcodes in PO4 / SOUTHSEA

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO4 9SB 1 50.786348 -1.051851
PO4 9SJ 1 50.786807 -1.04411
PO4 9SL 0 50.787441 -1.061263
PO4 9SS 0 50.787545 -1.066467
PO4 9ST 0 50.787735 -1.060136
PO4 9SU 1 50.790026 -1.054075
PO4 9SX 0 50.787537 -1.067659
PO4 9TA 0 50.787009 -1.043595
PO4 9TB 1 50.78655 -1.042725
PO4 9TD 0 50.787089 -1.041296
PO4 9TE 0 50.78731 -1.043036
PO4 9TF 0 50.786899 -1.042236
PO4 9TH 0 50.787431 -1.058979
PO4 9TJ 0 50.787068 -1.057426
PO4 9TL 1 50.789469 -1.066415
PO4 9TS 0 50.787268 -1.050002
PO4 9TT 0 50.787934 -1.050329
PO4 9TX 0 50.787066 -1.051695
PO4 9UA 0 50.790219 -1.037997
PO4 9UB 0 50.790043 -1.037433