all postcodes in PO4 / SOUTHSEA

find any address or company within the PO4 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO4 0SH 40 0 50.779283 -1.079454
PO4 0SJ 2 0 50.780081 -1.075722
PO4 0SL 29 0 50.780654 -1.078562
PO4 0SN 16 0 50.779257 -1.078164
PO4 0SP 2 2 50.778953 -1.076141
PO4 0SU 45 0 50.780186 -1.079607
PO4 0SW 1 1 50.778953 -1.076141
PO4 0SX 7 0 50.779639 -1.078681
PO4 0SY 8 0 50.781123 -1.079815
PO4 0TA 18 0 50.779806 -1.078252
PO4 0TB 40 0 50.779274 -1.079185
PO4 0TD 18 0 50.779882 -1.07991
PO4 0TR 26 0 50.779225 -1.078916
PO4 0UD 25 0 50.781529 -1.078956
PO4 0UU 8 0 50.780253 -1.079052
PO4 0XZ 1 1 50.799149 -1.088401
PO4 0RE 0 50.78047 -1.076878
PO4 0BY 0 50.780199 -1.077847
PO4 0BX 14 0 50.780709 -1.077582
PO4 0RF 17 0 50.78032 -1.077263