all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 2BN 24 0 50.849326 -1.057635
PO6 2BP 12 0 50.847307 -1.056951
PO6 2BQ 38 0 50.849958 -1.059
PO6 2BS 8 0 50.848347 -1.056646
PO6 2BT 5 0 50.848894 -1.056394
PO6 2BU 11 0 50.850174 -1.056823
PO6 2BX 15 0 50.848163 -1.056139
PO6 2BY 15 0 50.849727 -1.055979
PO6 2DH 3 0 50.848327 -1.064175
PO6 2DJ 23 0 50.847443 -1.063852
PO6 2DL 34 0 50.849502 -1.06266
PO6 2DN 20 0 50.84754 -1.064773
PO6 2DP 10 1 50.848396 -1.064884
PO6 2DR 25 0 50.848656 -1.062549
PO6 2DS 12 0 50.849473 -1.061354
PO6 2DT 15 0 50.848635 -1.061058
PO6 2DU 3 0 50.850502 -1.06068
PO6 2DX 13 0 50.848755 -1.060331
PO6 2DY 35 0 50.848645 -1.057876
PO6 2DZ 10 0 50.848767 -1.059621