all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 3BW 14 0 50.843351 -1.068351
PO6 3BY 1 1 50.845786 -1.066968
PO6 3BZ 19 16 50.845723 -1.066884
PO6 3DA 1 1 50.844203 -1.066843
PO6 3DD 54 2 50.844853 -1.064898
PO6 3DE 33 0 50.845663 -1.065052
PO6 3DF 10 0 50.844793 -1.065368
PO6 3DG 33 0 50.845635 -1.063831
PO6 3DJ 1 1 50.844895 -1.066772
PO6 3DL 10 7 50.845419 -1.069404
PO6 3DP 5 4 50.845855 -1.068742
PO6 3DR 2 2 50.842229 -1.06745
PO6 3DS 1 1 50.845801 -1.068743
PO6 3DX 1 1 50.845953 -1.068683
PO6 3DY 23 11 50.846386 -1.067694
PO6 3DN 1 1 50.846005 -1.069633
PO6 3EB 6 5 50.846782 -1.067743
PO6 3EE 1 1 50.846819 -1.066805
PO6 3EF 17 0 50.847566 -1.066861
PO6 3EG 9 0 50.842988 -1.067904