all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 0JG 0 50.922706 -1.000211
PO8 0JH 0 50.926884 -0.998798
PO8 0JJ 0 50.933954 -0.996868
PO8 0JL 10 50.935272 -0.998547
PO8 0JP 0 50.934006 -0.998717
PO8 0JQ 0 50.922285 -1.000491
PO8 0JR 0 50.933725 -0.999491
PO8 0JS 3 50.935146 -0.999532
PO8 0JT 0 50.934535 -0.999659
PO8 0JU 5 50.936473 -0.999119
PO8 0BF 0 50.935704 -0.999634
PO8 0JX 0 50.938501 -0.998549
PO8 0JY 0 50.938128 -0.998158
PO8 0LA 0 50.939929 -0.999386
PO8 0LB 0 50.940448 -0.998123
PO8 0LD 0 50.938519 -0.997524
PO8 0LE 0 50.940989 -0.999162
PO8 0LF 0 50.941946 -0.999756
PO8 0LG 0 50.942107 -0.996479
PO8 0LH 0 50.943164 -0.997011