all postcodes in PO9 / ROWLAND'S CASTLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO9 1TR 17 17 50.848823 -0.984688
PO9 1UA 1 1 50.851067 -0.978019
PO9 1UH 1 1 50.850292 -0.994387
PO9 1UN 9 4 50.852508 -0.982449
PO9 1UW 27 19 50.852139 -0.9824
PO9 1XD 1 1 50.851067 -0.978019
PO9 1XS 1 1 50.851067 -0.978019
PO9 1XU 1 1 50.851067 -0.978019
PO9 1XX 1 1 50.851067 -0.978019
PO9 1DF 0 50.851803 -0.98093
PO9 1EX 1 50.85141 -0.983325
PO9 1QZ 2 2 50.844313 -0.989471
PO9 1EB 10 0 50.850354 -0.982893
PO9 1ED 40 0 50.850314 -0.983519
PO9 1BN 0 50.853868 -0.980643
PO9 1QN 16 50.844271 -0.987642
PO9 1EA 2 0 50.851885 -0.979165
PO9 1HN 3 0 50.850365 -0.984228
PO9 1NW 8 0 50.851541 -0.993252
PO9 1BW 0 50.851081 -0.978658