all postcodes in PO9 / ROWLAND'S CASTLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO9 6DF 1 50.886922 -0.966942
PO9 6WA 1 50.851067 -0.978019
PO9 6DG 0 50.886881 -0.964299
PO9 6DH 0 50.885814 -0.96873
PO9 6DJ 0 50.886315 -0.966416
PO9 6DL 0 50.893984 -0.959094
PO9 6DN 0 50.89569 -0.9588
PO9 6DP 1 50.888493 -0.953529
PO9 6DQ 0 50.887567 -0.964597
PO9 6DS 0 50.881055 -0.93543
PO9 6DT 0 50.884047 -0.932262
PO9 6DU 2 50.885138 -0.93056
PO9 6DW 1 50.888232 -0.958483
PO9 6DX 5 50.887793 -0.919038
PO9 6DY 0 50.895839 -0.90536
PO9 6DZ 0 50.899305 -0.902818
PO9 6EW 0 50.908601 -0.910266
PO9 6EA 0 50.909555 -0.914212
PO9 6EB 0 50.911932 -0.913457
PO9 6ED 0 50.9082 -0.920403