all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 3TY 1 1 53.757868 -2.696845
PR1 3YD 3 3 53.757745 -2.694337
PR1 3UQ 62 1 53.756423 -2.694955
PR1 3XB 1 1 53.757787 -2.69836
PR1 3XD 2 2 53.757906 -2.692944
PR1 3XE 1 1 53.75818 -2.697169
PR1 3XJ 16 0 53.757055 -2.695861
PR1 3XL 62 0 53.757039 -2.692463
PR1 3XN 62 0 53.75765 -2.692488
PR1 3XP 13 7 53.7574 -2.693864
PR1 3XT 2 2 53.757761 -2.694671
PR1 3XU 2 1 53.757938 -2.695265
PR1 3XX 2 2 53.758503 -2.695335
PR1 3XY 1 1 53.758194 -2.694833
PR1 3YA 7 0 53.758174 -2.695121
PR1 3YB 3 0 53.757449 -2.694669
PR1 3YH 24 14 53.75841 -2.693305
PR1 3YJ 14 1 53.756189 -2.691782
PR1 3YL 5 0 53.756366 -2.690708
PR1 3YN 12 2 53.754782 -2.692669