all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 4HD 1 1 53.757096 -2.688869
PR1 4HH 1 0 53.75919 -2.688934
PR1 4HJ 39 0 53.754951 -2.688227
PR1 4HL 26 2 53.757281 -2.690981
PR1 4HP 59 0 53.757845 -2.689913
PR1 4HQ 13 0 53.757192 -2.68928
PR1 4HR 36 1 53.757588 -2.689272
PR1 4HS 2 0 53.757464 -2.690146
PR1 4HT 16 0 53.757888 -2.685515
PR1 4HU 42 0 53.758301 -2.688813
PR1 4HY 6 0 53.758172 -2.686096
PR1 4HZ 6 6 53.760034 -2.688978
PR1 4JB 27 0 53.758329 -2.686993
PR1 4JE 35 0 53.758873 -2.687761
PR1 4JH 27 0 53.759071 -2.686156
PR1 4JJ 40 0 53.757762 -2.687181
PR1 4JL 33 0 53.758456 -2.688345
PR1 4JP 30 0 53.757574 -2.685343
PR1 4JQ 4 0 53.757398 -2.684718
PR1 4JU 29 1 53.756688 -2.684798