all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 5EE 1 53.767949 -2.677138
PR1 5EH 0 53.768844 -2.677377
PR1 5EJ 3 53.766849 -2.677727
PR1 5EN 0 53.765948 -2.679669
PR1 5EP 3 53.769316 -2.678464
PR1 5EQ 0 53.767482 -2.680164
PR1 5ER 0 53.768246 -2.678508
PR1 5ES 0 53.767925 -2.678214
PR1 5ET 0 53.767734 -2.678575
PR1 5EU 2 53.767706 -2.678787
PR1 5EX 1 53.767477 -2.679069
PR1 5EY 0 53.767213 -2.679732
PR1 5EZ 20 53.762618 -2.689503
PR1 5HA 0 53.767006 -2.680111
PR1 5HB 0 53.766787 -2.680623
PR1 5HD 0 53.767022 -2.68158
PR1 5HE 0 53.766982 -2.682323
PR1 5HF 0 53.767265 -2.685122
PR1 5HH 1 53.767749 -2.680609
PR1 5HJ 0 53.768426 -2.678587