all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 2DX 20 12 53.771203 -2.727347
PR2 2DY 37 3 53.772556 -2.725401
PR2 2EA 6 0 53.772303 -2.725594
PR2 2EB 13 0 53.772426 -2.726036
PR2 2ED 22 0 53.772885 -2.725938
PR2 2EE 25 1 53.773113 -2.726837
PR2 2EG 13 0 53.767282 -2.722063
PR2 2EH 24 0 53.771985 -2.726135
PR2 2EJ 34 0 53.772713 -2.727619
PR2 2EP 17 0 53.774705 -2.723814
PR2 2EQ 17 0 53.774373 -2.723642
PR2 2ER 20 0 53.773723 -2.727121
PR2 2ES 24 0 53.773392 -2.726887
PR2 2ET 8 0 53.773529 -2.724932
PR2 2EU 53 0 53.774804 -2.725227
PR2 2EX 50 0 53.77474 -2.726819
PR2 2EY 8 0 53.774573 -2.72627
PR2 2GA 41 0 53.759551 -2.73992
PR2 2GB 61 0 53.759295 -2.741979
PR2 2GD 39 0 53.759062 -2.740503