all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
PR2 8BE053.781294-2.682209
PR2 8BJ053.779051-2.697196
PR2 8BP553.778736-2.695688
PR2 8BQ353.778414-2.694936
PR2 8BS053.779278-2.693175
PR2 8BT053.779231-2.693967
PR2 8BU053.779885-2.694372
PR2 8BX053.780029-2.692735
PR2 8BY053.780414-2.691558
PR2 8DA053.779757-2.691638
PR2 8DB053.781087-2.690127
PR2 8DD153.783035-2.68594
PR2 8DE053.783111-2.683513
PR2 8DF053.782236-2.687263
PR2 8DG153.781846-2.687848
PR2 8DH053.778806-2.688269
PR2 8DJ053.780124-2.688822
PR2 8DL053.779849-2.689788
PR2 8DN053.778921-2.690077
PR2 8DP053.781754-2.696072