all postcodes in PR25 / LEYLAND

find any address or company within the PR25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR25 1UA 0 53.692093 -2.719473
PR25 1UB 0 53.692888 -2.71873
PR25 1UD 0 53.692029 -2.718003
PR25 1UE 0 53.691815 -2.719226
PR25 1UG 0 53.684706 -2.719105
PR25 1UH 0 53.691335 -2.719869
PR25 1UJ 0 53.691217 -2.718641
PR25 1UL 3 53.69109 -2.717306
PR25 1UN 0 53.691012 -2.71685
PR25 1UP 3 53.689702 -2.716359
PR25 1UQ 6 53.689547 -2.716871
PR25 1UU 0 53.689543 -2.717431
PR25 1WB 1 53.700204 -2.706661
PR25 1XA 0 53.699059 -2.713367
PR25 1XB 11 53.698648 -2.712951
PR25 1XD 0 53.698247 -2.713883
PR25 1XE 1 53.696793 -2.715101
PR25 1XH 2 53.695824 -2.716311
PR25 1XJ 4 53.694284 -2.716724
PR25 1XL 7 53.692521 -2.717042