all postcodes in PR26 / LEYLAND

find any address or company within the PR26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR26 6TB 1 53.709108 -2.702337
PR26 6PA 11 0 53.716546 -2.705011
PR26 6QD 0 53.711981 -2.712052
PR26 6AB 1 53.707205 -2.697643
PR26 6AA 0 53.70394 -2.712976
PR26 6QF 7 0 53.702684 -2.714106
PR26 6QG 5 0 53.703853 -2.713974
PR26 6QJ 4 0 53.70358 -2.714561
PR26 6QL 7 0 53.703727 -2.715517
PR26 6RW 0 53.703237 -2.714797
PR26 6AD 1 1 53.710016 -2.694641