all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 5BG 4 0 53.832485 -2.737772
PR3 5DA 45 1 53.811219 -2.720161
PR3 5DB 40 1 53.813315 -2.712284
PR3 5DD 43 3 53.815631 -2.706704
PR3 5DE 4 0 53.821278 -2.719923
PR3 5DH 27 0 53.8117 -2.722341
PR3 5DJ 19 0 53.811579 -2.722916
PR3 5DL 15 3 53.810581 -2.724493
PR3 5DN 2 0 53.821032 -2.734757
PR3 5DP 11 0 53.819874 -2.733479
PR3 5DQ 15 1 53.823751 -2.736023
PR3 5DR 48 3 53.824822 -2.73531
PR3 5DS 3 0 53.820369 -2.733427
PR3 5DT 5 0 53.821427 -2.733871
PR3 5DU 23 0 53.821852 -2.733392
PR3 5DX 18 0 53.821313 -2.73636
PR3 5DY 26 3 53.820981 -2.741607
PR3 5EQ 5 0 53.808756 -2.729033
PR3 5HA 4 0 53.822961 -2.748785
PR3 5HB 14 0 53.822173 -2.732441