all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 6BE 13 2 53.884727 -2.874499
PR3 6BG 3 0 53.927404 -2.896839
PR3 6BH 15 0 53.876317 -2.890619
PR3 6BJ 1 0 53.872404 -2.888589
PR3 6BL 26 1 53.871138 -2.876846
PR3 6BN 32 2 53.883428 -2.885491
PR3 6BP 10 2 53.895627 -2.896853
PR3 6BQ 4 0 53.871168 -2.883057
PR3 6BS 5 1 53.86527 -2.874813
PR3 6BT 13 1 53.931419 -2.907906
PR3 6BU 22 0 53.924347 -2.894504
PR3 6BW 1 0 53.869351 -2.868541
PR3 6BX 13 0 53.924201 -2.887618
PR3 6BY 7 0 53.925291 -2.879875
PR3 6HA 14 1 53.932827 -2.910739
PR3 6HB 45 4 53.928417 -2.909709
PR3 6HE 21 1 53.92678 -2.912232
PR3 6HD 31 0 53.927112 -2.911772
PR3 6HG 2 0 53.932914 -2.911635
PR3 6HH 15 1 53.925006 -2.913264