all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 6TU 2 0 53.890466 -2.928924
PR3 6TT 1 0 53.891618 -2.915245
PR3 6TF 2 0 53.89116 -2.924101
PR3 6TG 2 0 53.889921 -2.921548
PR3 6SU 3 0 53.884992 -2.9325
PR3 6SX 13 1 53.880638 -2.927677
PR3 6SY 3 0 53.878385 -2.93073
PR3 6TA 10 0 53.871575 -2.924556
PR3 6TB 23 1 53.873555 -2.913203
PR3 6TD 10 0 53.880514 -2.915747
PR3 6TE 9 1 53.883124 -2.904623
PR3 6TH 31 0 53.867006 -2.922139
PR3 6TJ 4 0 53.865779 -2.937095
PR3 6TL 8 0 53.862538 -2.930849
PR3 6TN 12 0 53.867799 -2.90814
PR3 6TP 17 0 53.868864 -2.89078
PR3 6TQ 3 3 53.869023 -2.889992
PR3 6TR 4 0 53.873748 -2.911858
PR3 6HF 4 0 53.926322 -2.91509
PR3 6HW 0 53.927832 -2.910402