all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 0LU 7 2 53.904035 -2.824796
PR3 0NB 0 53.857351 -2.846034
PR3 0QX 0 53.875356 -2.76122
PR3 0SW 0 53.852884 -2.871798
PR3 0BF 0 53.875405 -2.760552
PR3 0BG 27 0 53.955676 -2.783693
PR3 0BY 0 53.877242 -2.759456
PR3 0BZ 1 0 53.859673 -2.880028
PR3 0FZ 7 0 53.879564 -2.761765
PR3 0DB 2 0 53.951267 -2.770476
PR3 0DR 0 53.954376 -2.770579
PR3 1AH 0 53.943718 -2.778746
PR3 1AA 9 53.936306 -2.780441
PR3 1AB 1 53.932675 -2.77489
PR3 1AD 5 53.940266 -2.775472
PR3 1AE 0 53.944713 -2.775768
PR3 1AG 1 53.899306 -2.775687
PR3 1AJ 2 53.930006 -2.772038
PR3 1AL 2 53.939345 -2.77058
PR3 1AN 2 53.937331 -2.770619