all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 1TU 7 0 53.758757 -2.837376
PR4 1TX 1 0 53.757715 -2.844939
PR4 1UA 28 0 53.760039 -2.839055
PR4 1UB 22 1 53.760816 -2.839508
PR4 1UD 28 0 53.760039 -2.839055
PR4 1UE 8 0 53.761569 -2.840072
PR4 1UG 2 0 53.762127 -2.840899
PR4 1UJ 7 0 53.748465 -2.910173
PR4 1UL 10 0 53.74611 -2.865299
PR4 1UN 18 6 53.74476 -2.860434
PR4 1UP 13 0 53.751343 -2.877296
PR4 1UQ 20 0 53.748172 -2.909606
PR4 1WA 44 0 53.754276 -2.895208
PR4 1WB 7 0 53.751363 -2.888018
PR4 1XA 27 6 53.75405 -2.869754
PR4 1XB 28 0 53.752941 -2.874809
PR4 1XD 25 0 53.751806 -2.882856
PR4 1XE 35 3 53.750882 -2.889874
PR4 1XH 5 0 53.753836 -2.871934
PR4 1XJ 83 0 53.75265 -2.884934