all postcodes in PR6 / CHORLEY

find any address or company within the PR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR6 6FF 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6FG 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6FH 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6FU 1 0 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6JA 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6JB 1 1 53.653216 -2.625214
PR6 6JG 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6JL 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6JP 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6JT 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6JU 1 0 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6LL 1 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6LS 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6NJ 0 53.653216 -2.625214
PR6 6NN 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6NR 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 6ZZ 1 53.653163 -2.625155
PR6 6NU 1 1 53.653216 -2.625214
PR6 6NW 0 53.653216 -2.625214
PR6 6NY 0 53.653216 -2.625214