all postcodes in PR6 / CHORLEY

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR6 7BL 0 53.666949 -2.630472
PR6 7BN 0 53.668555 -2.627987
PR6 7BQ 0 53.668006 -2.62981
PR6 7BT 1 53.664679 -2.624963
PR6 7BU 0 53.665767 -2.631623
PR6 7BW 0 53.667996 -2.628205
PR6 7BX 16 53.666833 -2.625188
PR6 7BY 0 53.668432 -2.63057
PR6 7DA 1 53.68044 -2.630843
PR6 7DB 0 53.677057 -2.633215
PR6 7DD 0 53.676261 -2.628643
PR6 7DE 5 53.666879 -2.626611
PR6 7DF 0 53.709439 -2.638792
PR6 7DG 0 53.703339 -2.646606
PR6 7DH 0 53.683809 -2.629516
PR6 7DJ 12 53.68564 -2.63649
PR6 7DN 0 53.680847 -2.633465
PR6 7DP 0 53.68768 -2.640143
PR6 7DQ 0 53.680411 -2.633038
PR6 7DR 0 53.684026 -2.635969