all postcodes in PR6 / CHORLEY

find any address or company within the PR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR6 9BG 0 53.665054 -2.614874
PR6 9BH 0 53.66656 -2.610507
PR6 9BJ 1 53.666289 -2.609035
PR6 9BL 0 53.666768 -2.60639
PR6 9BN 0 53.666808 -2.600461
PR6 9BP 0 53.665983 -2.603703
PR6 9BQ 1 53.665523 -2.611142
PR6 9BS 0 53.666432 -2.596687
PR6 9BT 0 53.664197 -2.597409
PR6 9BU 0 53.662372 -2.592543
PR6 9BW 0 53.668835 -2.603259
PR6 9BX 0 53.671216 -2.601568
PR6 9BY 0 53.67299 -2.587921
PR6 9BZ 1 53.678843 -2.580557
PR6 9DA 1 53.670838 -2.590434
PR6 9DB 0 53.667112 -2.584467
PR6 9DD 0 53.670143 -2.578225
PR6 9DE 1 53.667079 -2.578277
PR6 9DF 0 53.665813 -2.58177
PR6 9DG 0 53.65361 -2.580783