all postcodes in PR7 / CHORLEY

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR7 2DE 7 0 53.651689 -2.633788
PR7 2DF 4 0 53.65168 -2.633527
PR7 2DG 48 0 53.649436 -2.634949
PR7 2DH 24 1 53.650323 -2.635371
PR7 2DJ 25 4 53.650338 -2.636082
PR7 2DL 58 1 53.649687 -2.634953
PR7 2DN 27 0 53.649285 -2.637897
PR7 2DP 26 0 53.649201 -2.636791
PR7 2DQ 19 0 53.650015 -2.637484
PR7 2DR 48 2 53.649007 -2.636092
PR7 2DS 37 1 53.647285 -2.635416
PR7 2DT 10 2 53.646647 -2.635406
PR7 2DU 19 0 53.646339 -2.63584
PR7 2DW 13 1 53.648453 -2.637219
PR7 2DX 25 0 53.64604 -2.636244
PR7 2DY 29 0 53.645732 -2.636709
PR7 2DZ 6 0 53.646379 -2.636854
PR7 2EA 18 0 53.647082 -2.636411
PR7 2EB 23 0 53.649 -2.635744
PR7 2ED 34 2 53.650626 -2.634316