all postcodes in PR7 / CHORLEY

find any address or company within the PR7 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR7 5BB 50 0 53.620362 -2.660879
PR7 5BD 58 0 53.620244 -2.659425
PR7 5BE 18 1 53.620294 -2.658474
PR7 5BG 22 0 53.620885 -2.662172
PR7 5BH 43 0 53.619441 -2.659882
PR7 5BJ 25 0 53.618911 -2.659979
PR7 5BL 25 0 53.618548 -2.658885
PR7 5BN 17 0 53.623545 -2.662319
PR7 5BQ 16 0 53.620301 -2.662102
PR7 5BT 28 0 53.621755 -2.668883
PR7 5BU 16 0 53.621314 -2.660954
PR7 5BW 38 24 53.62742 -2.661788
PR7 5BX 37 3 53.622649 -2.660068
PR7 5BY 43 8 53.621841 -2.661537
PR7 5BZ 23 4 53.621778 -2.662955
PR7 5DA 6 0 53.62054 -2.666082
PR7 5DB 32 0 53.621244 -2.670281
PR7 5DD 39 0 53.619423 -2.67122
PR7 5DE 42 1 53.621072 -2.666995
PR7 5DF 19 1 53.620688 -2.666961