all postcodes in PR7 / CHORLEY

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR7 6DL 6 1 53.67067 -2.655823
PR7 6DQ 5 0 53.663952 -2.659866
PR7 6DR 2 0 53.671491 -2.671287
PR7 6DS 4 0 53.670293 -2.662402
PR7 6DT 3 0 53.664683 -2.659378
PR7 6DU 2 0 53.667055 -2.667327
PR7 6DW 2 0 53.669058 -2.644625
PR7 6DX 3 0 53.671004 -2.666969
PR7 6DY 6 3 53.660948 -2.676313
PR7 6DZ 4 0 53.658611 -2.676382
PR7 6EA 5 0 53.657111 -2.680501
PR7 6EB 3 0 53.657472 -2.685367
PR7 6ED 3 0 53.658239 -2.686333
PR7 6EE 3 1 53.659127 -2.696123
PR7 6EF 7 0 53.660433 -2.700275
PR7 6EG 3 1 53.663071 -2.711594
PR7 6EH 10 0 53.658091 -2.685468
PR7 6EJ 4 0 53.655933 -2.693452
PR7 6EL 6 0 53.660067 -2.701313
PR7 6EN 22 13 53.662731 -2.720045