all postcodes in PR7 / CHORLEY

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR7 1EQ 0 53.657295 -2.630845
PR7 1ER 0 53.656914 -2.63146
PR7 1LU 0 53.651875 -2.639388
PR7 1ES 3 53.657717 -2.630927
PR7 1EU 0 53.659269 -2.629785
PR7 1EX 12 53.659417 -2.62897
PR7 1EZ 0 53.659441 -2.629576
PR7 1GZ 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR7 1HB 0 53.659954 -2.629387
PR7 1HD 0 53.660171 -2.629239
PR7 1HE 0 53.660727 -2.629123
PR7 1HP 6 53.653572 -2.634448
PR7 1HR 4 53.653726 -2.635888
PR7 1HU 1 53.653709 -2.635891
PR7 1HX 1 53.653651 -2.636646
PR7 1HY 1 53.653733 -2.636421
PR7 1JA 1 53.654133 -2.635534
PR7 1JB 0 53.654041 -2.636108
PR7 1JD 0 53.653929 -2.636741
PR7 1JE 3 53.653383 -2.636155