all postcodes in PR8 / SOUTHPORT

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR8 9LJ 1 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9LN 1 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9LQ 1 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9LD 1 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9LX 1 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9LZ 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9ND 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9NT 1 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9PD 1 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9PJ 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9PQ 1 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9PU 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9PW 1 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9PX 1 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9PY 1 53.627005 -2.985821
PR8 9PZ 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9QA 1 0 53.627005 -2.985821
PR8 9QB 1 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9QE 0 53.626988 -2.985822
PR8 9QJ 0 53.627005 -2.985821