all postcodes in PR9 / SOUTHPORT

find any address or company within the PR9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR9 8DL 2 0 53.673042 -2.906365
PR9 8DD 8 1 53.670109 -2.904638
PR9 8DE 16 15 53.668328 -2.904888
PR9 8DG 61 0 53.67432 -2.913599
PR9 8DH 1 0 53.669092 -2.904859
PR9 8DJ 1 0 53.664136 -2.89894
PR9 8DN 23 0 53.67628 -2.927539
PR9 8DQ 1 1 53.675698 -2.935292
PR9 8DR 4 0 53.667099 -2.902953
PR9 8DS 2 0 53.665709 -2.898988
PR9 8DT 16 0 53.67676 -2.928185
PR9 8DU 4 2 53.69674 -2.923733
PR9 8DW 4 0 53.665481 -2.898561
PR9 8EB 10 2 53.688183 -2.899785
PR9 8DX 14 2 53.691685 -2.907325
PR9 8DY 6 1 53.692535 -2.89994
PR9 8DZ 5 0 53.696457 -2.887544
PR9 8ED 6 0 53.684117 -2.90774
PR9 8EE 12 3 53.680614 -2.906226
PR9 8EX 35 1 53.680973 -2.915772